Re: (PM) Re: (PMOD) telcos and connect speeds

Steve Heaven (
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 14:57:24 +0000

At 14:07 02/12/99 +0000, Richard Morrell wrote:
>On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Steve Heaven wrote:
>> We get our PRI from Telewest. Now am I just paranoid or does BT somehow
>> deliberately throttle back the bandwidth in a connection they pass over to
>> a rival telco?
>It is certainly possible that BT could do this, but I very much doubt that
>they would go to so much trouble for so little gain. BT and Telewest
>interconnect with each other using SS7 which as far as I know is done over
>n x 64kbps channels (which are delivered over E1/E3 spans). So
>theoretically there is no reason why your BT customers shouldn't have as a
>good a time as your Telewest customers.
>Have you tried this yourself from a BT line?
Yes I tried from home and can only get 33600. Same modem, same laptop etc
from the office on Telewest gets 50k+

>When did the problem start happening (or has it always been like this)?
We have only been able to get the detail from the radius logs since we
upgraded to ComOS 3.9b22

>Do you have any NTS (Number Translation Services) such as an 0845 number?
>Are all the BT customers that you have shown below geographically close to
>each other (i.e. on the same BT exchange)? Are they out of the city or in
>the centre of town?

No they are on different exchanges 01454 01453 and 01179
Some are rural. In particular user A who gets very poor speeds is miles out
in the sticks of the Gloucestershire countryside.

The customers I listed in the logs are only the ones I know about. I might
start asking other users which telco they use and see if there is a
definate pattern


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