RE: (PM) telcos and connect speeds

Hal Dorsman (
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 07:46:14 -0700

Probably just paranoid (but just because you aren't
paranoid, doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get
you). Without knowing the architectures of both, it
is just speculation, but perhaps BT is using digital
loop carriers. There are numerous factors that can
make v.90 impossible, and one of them is the digital-
analog conversion required by the interface between
some fiber (digital loop) carriers and the interface
with phone switches. We see very similar comparisons
between our local users (within 18 kilo feet of the
phone switch) that are on copper directly into the
switch, and remote rural users who are on fiber carriers.
Our users on fiber never get v.90, and the modem retrain
process is far from a perfect science, and we see very
similar connect speeds that you are seeing from BT.


Hal Dorsman
Data Network Engineer
Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative
Missoula, Montana, USA
(406) 541-5106

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Heaven []
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 6:57 AM
Subject: (PM) telcos and connect speeds

Below is a selection from our customers connect speed stats.
Note that none of the BT customers gets above 31200 and none of the
Telewest customers get below 31200.
We get our PRI from Telewest. Now am I just paranoid or does BT somehow
deliberately throttle back the bandwidth in a connection they pass over to
a rival telco?


Customer A - BT
28800 7.14% 6/84 7.14%
26400 7.14% 6/84 14.29%
24000 2.38% 2/84 16.67%
14400 83.33% 70/84 100.00%

Customer W - BT
31200 12.12% 4/33 12.12%
28800 81.82% 27/33 93.94%
26400 3.03% 1/33 96.97%
21600 3.03% 1/33 100.00%

Customer D - Telewest
52000 25.00% 4/16 25.00%
50000 43.75% 7/16 68.75%
48000 6.25% 1/16 75.00%
46000 18.75% 3/16 93.75%
42000 6.25% 1/16 100.00%

Customer S - Telewest
42000 100.00% 1/1 100.00%

Customer C - BT
28800 72.60% 53/73 72.60%
26400 26.03% 19/73 98.63%
21600 1.37% 1/73 100.00%

Customer T - Telewest
50000 33.33% 1/3 33.33%
31200 66.67% 2/3 100.00%

Customer N Telewest
50000 60.00% 3/5 60.00%
46000 20.00% 1/5 80.00%
33600 20.00% 1/5 100.00%

Customer V - Telewest
52000 80.00% 4/5 80.00%
48000 20.00% 1/5 100.00%

Customer C - BT
26400 1.82% 1/55 1.82%
24000 27.27% 15/55 29.09%
21600 29.09% 16/55 58.18%
19200 29.09% 16/55 87.27%
16800 5.45% 3/55 92.73%
14400 7.27% 4/55 100.00%

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