Re: (PM) comparative V.90 success rates

John Vozza (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:35:02 -0500 (EST)

While this method works fine and will capture the disconnect reasons it
has, IMHO, a fatal flaw.

Consider the case of using a CLEC with many exchanges mapped to a group of
PRI's You will see a large number of Call Circuit Closed messages which
where NOT customer calls at all! (Calling your PRI with a voice phone and
then hanging up produces a CCC disconnect message)

The best bet is to turn on the extended attributes of radius and capture
the disconnect reason in your radius accounting data. Parse this data to
generate a more accurate picture of the facts.

I use your script to get a quick picture but always compare it against a
hacked version of radiusreport which captures the disconnect reasons for
actual completed calls and there is always a noticeable difference.

NetRom Internet Services 973-208-1339 voice 973-208-0942 fax

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 wrote:

> A number of people have writen me privately for information on how to
> generate and track disconnect reasons, so I will post them here. Note,
> that in the past each time I have posted this information, several people
> always email me asking how to do it. I send them the info, yet to this
> day, I have only heard from *one* other person. Not very nice statistics
> :-( Hopefully, with this round, someone will post some comparative
> results.
> Steps to track disconnects
> 1. On the pm3, set loghost <ipaddress>. e.g. set loghost
> where ipaddress is a machine that is running syslog
> 2. set syslog te <syslog facility>. e.g. set syslog te
> 3. On your syslog box, add the following to syslog.conf
> <tabs, not spaces> /var/log/pm_term
> Then, create the following script. e.g.
[snip excellent script]

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