Re: (PM) PM4? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 04:29:31 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Matthew S. Crocker shaped the electrons to say...
>The CT3 card is a complete waste. Why would I want to spend twice the
>money and tie up a PM-4 slot for a M13 mux? If the CT3 card actually

Obviously you don't have to buy it, but there are people demanding it.
It does avoid cable hell - no external T1/PRI cabling to mess with from
an external MUX. As well as being able to the configured and monitored as
part of the chassis, etc. I presume the external MUX you mention provides
the same redundancy as the T3 card?

>terminated DS0 & DS1's directly on the card it would be a nice product but
>to have to re-terminate the connections over to qudaT1 cards it is a

Well, since the modems are there I think it made sense. I do believe they
plan to do a native T3 card for non-modem use. In other words, being
able to terminate to the DS0 level on one card for ISDN or leased lines.
The limitation is really real estate for the DSPs - I think were a few
generations away from having a T3 of modems on one card.


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