(PM) Two Standard 56K Modems, Can they communicate at 56K to each othe r? (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 04:15:15 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Louis A. Brugman shaped the electrons to say...
>I have two standard US Robotics (3 Com) 56K V.90 modems. Can they
>communicate to each-other at 56K? I don't think so. The fastest they have

No. For PCM modems (K56flex/X2/V.90) to work one end MUST have a digital
line - that means ISDN or CT1. With POTS on both ends 22.6K is still the
maximum speed.

>I was told that I would have to have my telco split off a channel of my T1
>for a user to connect to us at 56K. Is this true? Does this mean the telco
>has the 56K server or ISP modem? Is there a special type of modem I should

This isn't really complete. Whatever end is to be the server - that is
receiving the call and SENDING data at V.90 speeds - needs to be fed
with a digital line. That means you need something like a PM-3 with an
ISDN PRI or CT1. Or a 3Com Courier I-Modem with a BRI. Etc.

Splitting a channel off of a CT1 doesn't seem to do any good, unless the
split is producing a CT1 with only one channel. And that'd be a waste
considering the HW needed to terminate it for PCM - like a PM-3.


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