Re: (PM) comparative V.90 success rates

Dick St.Peters (
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 22:01:31 -0500

John Giannandrea writes:
> Having had V.90 available to our customers for some time
> now, we were wondering as an ISP how we were doing
> comparatively speaking. We are in N. California, an
> early adopter market if ever there was one, and our
> world looks like this:
> 1/ V.90 modems are about 40% of our users
> 2/ The bulk of V.90 users are seeing between 42K and 48K.
> We run pm3s with ComOS 3.8.2 using PRIs from local CLECs.
> The results seem quite reasonable to us and our customers, but we
> have nothing to measure it against so we, like other ISPs I suspect,
> don't really know if we are doing well or if we can do better.

I'm in upstate NY. The bulk of my service area is the rural upper
Hudson valley, from the Vermont border into the Adirondack Mountains.
My PM3s are ComOS 3.8.2, mostly with PRIs from a CLEC or Bell
Atlantic, but with AMI/D4 CT1 in the Adirondacks.

In January, 29% of their use was V.90 or K56Flex, with an average
end-of-session speed of 44083. (Average weighted by length of

Now, about disconnects ... we still run our PM2+Courier analog service
at four POPs, and the disconnect performance for our PM3s/3.8.2 is
_significantly_ better than for our PM2+Courier analog services. Yes,
I said that right: PM3/3.8.2 has fewer disconnects.

What I do see is a lot of variation in disconnect rates from day to
day and week to week; when it's high for the PM3s it's high for the
PM2+Couriers too. In one town, we have three access numbers. One is
the analog number, another is a PRI from Bell Atlantic, and a third is
a CLEC PRI VPOP number ... the calls are delivered to our base POP.
For several weeks, all three numbers had disconnect rates well above
average. Then one day they all plummeted at the same time; one of our
users who had just had Bell Atlantic check her line said BA told her
they had found a problem, and her line should work better now. They
didn't say anything about thousands of other lines in the area, but
something sure improved.

Dick St.Peters, 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1-800-910-6671 (voice)
	  Oldest Internet service based in the 518 area code
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