Re: (PM) PMVision

D. Scott Gardner (
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 10:12:54 -0800

>RichardC wrote:
>> We are attempting to run PMConsole and PM Vision from multiple machines,
>> but we keep keep getting a Connection Refused error. I was told changing
>> "max pmcconsole" should fix this. We set this from 1 to 4 and we still get
>> the error. Any clues!
>do a 'show netcon' and look for connections on the PMConsole port. Also do a
>show global to display you maximum PMConsole connections allowed. Set it
>to 10
>as PMConsole may use multiple connections and if you are connecting from
>multiple machines you can eat them up real quick.

The ComOS checks the max pmconsole value when establishing a connection to
see if it needs to open another port in Listen mode. So if you increase
the number
of ports from 1 AND the first port is already established, the ComOS does
not open another port. You need to disconnect the first session. When
you reconnect, then the ComOS sees that the number of pmconsole sessions
is > 1 and will open a second port.

PMVision and all of our other java tools do not use more than
one 1643 port per application.

D. Scott Gardner

Lucent Technologies, Remote Access Business Unit
4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton CA 94588

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