(PM) open telnet ports

Calvin M Meloon (calvin@gulf.net)
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 13:07:23 -0600 (CST)

I'm getting paged that my pm2's telnet ports are closed, and some
monitoring programs are not able to connect via port 23. One of the
programs (PMMON) had to be shut down so I could telnet into them myself.

What I found through 'sh netconns' was that some port 23 connections never
shut down....

pmstr> sh netconns
Hnd Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
637 0 2 xxx.xx.xx.x.23 xxx.xx.xx.xx.1104 ESTABLISHED
189 0 0 xxx.xx.xx.x.23 xxx.xx.xx.xx.4733 ESTABLISHED
193 0 0 xxx.xx.xx.x.1086 xxx.xx.xx.xx.53 UDP
31 0 0 xxx.xx.xx.x.23 xxx.xx.xx.xx.1765 ESTABLISHED
870 0 0 xxx.xx.xx.x.23 xxx.xx.xx.xx.4268 ESTABLISHED

Here, 189, 193, and 870 are connections that should not be open.

On the server I monitor the pm2's from, there were no processes running
that had telnet ports open, just on the pm2's. Nor is this the case on
our pm3's.

Is there a reset command I can use to shut down those ports from the pm2
without rebooting?

_____ __ _
/ ___/__ _/ / __(_)__ Gulf Coast Internet Calvin M. Meloon
/ /__/ _ `/ / |/ / / _ \ Pensacola, FL Unix Administrator
\___/\_,_/_/|___/_/_//_/ (850)438-5700 writer of code
~~~~ calvin@gulf.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proponent of FreeBSD

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