Re: (PM) Euro PRI troubles...

Webmaster (
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 11:33:46 +0000

At 11:00 pm -0800 25/2/99, Bert Driehuis <>

>I am trying to move a Portmaster3 to a ISDN-30 PRI provided by Worldcom.
>It used to be connected to an ISDN-30 provided by the incumbent Dutch
>telco. The Worldcom techs say that the line is provisioned according to
>the same specs (CRC4 framing, HDB3 encoding). And, the line actually
>works. What worries me is the number of CRC4 and E-bit errors, and
>especially the rate at which they increase:


>Ideas, anyone?

We had exactly the same problems - except the line wouldn't even stay up
for more than a few minutes.

We are connected to an Alcatel 10B switch and it was _supposed_ to be set
up for Euro-ISDN. Except they set the framing to fas instead of CRC4.

The ISDN debugging is very helpful in sorting this out. What I ended up
doing was comparing the handshaking data coming down the line with the data
in the Tech Note

When I saw that I was getting data that didn't match tech note I changed
the framing to fas and it worked fine. I informed the local engineer who
checked again and sure enough the switch was set incorrectly. Welcome to
the West of Ireland :-)

Moral - don't trust that your E1 is setup correctly.

Stephan Wik ANU Internet Services
Mac Web Hosting Specialists Westport,Ireland
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