RE: (PM) Can't limit USR modem

Richard Gamberg (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:30:47 -1000

3Com changed the values for &u&n w/ the v90 firmware release.
If the modem has x2 firmware (not v90), the values are different.
Both tables are listed on my "Limiting Your Connect Speed" page at

Richard Gamberg 56k=v.Unreliable

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of Craig Baird
-> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 1999 10:12 AM
-> To:
-> Subject: (PM) Can't limit USR modem
-> Some of you may remember a few weeks back, I had a USR V.90 modem that
-> wouldn't take the &Nn init string to limit it's connect speed. Well
-> I've got another one now. This one's an external USR 56k voice faxmodem
-> pro (the one that's USB capable, although I'm just using it with the
-> standard RS-232 port). It's model # 00560500. It has the same
-> problem! I can put &Nn in Extra Settings to my heart's content, and it
-> never affects anything. I've been trying &N28, which should limit it to
-> 42666, but it keeps connecting at either 49,333 or 45,333 with
-> mega-retrains/renegs/disconnects. I also tried connecting with
-> Hyperterminal. I did a:
-> AT&F1&N28
-> ATDT<phone number>
-> with the same result--connect at 49,333. I can lock it at V.34, but I'd
-> rather lock it to a higher rate if possible.
-> Since this modem had 5.98 firmware, I thought that this might be the
-> problem, so I found an 11/98 firmware update (ver. 4.9.2, I think), and
-> flashed the modem. Same problem, though. It just seems to ignore the
-> &N28. The only solution I've found is to lock it to V.34. Heck, I've
-> even tried the "+MS=..." inits a la Rockwell (of course, they didn't
-> work). Does anyone know what the deal is here? Did USR just leave out
-> the speed limiting features on certain firmware revs, or is there
-> another string besides &Nn that will accomplish this?
-> Thanks
-> Craig
-> -
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