(PM) Forwarded mail...

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 22:57:56 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Suresh Chandra shaped the electrons to say...
>back it up/augment it with an ISDN line. Is there a router
>available that could handle a fractional E1 and a ISDN BRI
>connection simultaneously and provide load balancing between
>the two.

A PM-2ER with a 5BRI could handle the FracE1 and BRI simultaneously, but I
don't believe it would be wise to load balance them. I think it is
*possible* as long as there are PortMasters are both ends, but that's round
robin and the slower link would choke things a bit.

For that matter an IRX, or OR-HS could do it with an external ISDN TA on
the serial port.

>(2) Looking for recommendations on good and cheap softwares for
> NT and/or Linux
> - E-mail server
> - DNS server

You can get several of each free for Linux.

> - Good and cheap billing software

There are a few packages available for both NT and Linux.


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