(PM) PM Tools on FreeBSD 2.2.7

Brendon Rowland (browland@webtime.com.au)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:06:34 +1100

Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

Having problems running PMTools commands - java-based commands to maintain
Livingston Portmasters - on my FreeBSD Box (FreeBSD 2.2.7 on a Pentium

Get the following error(s) whether using jdk1.1.7 or jdk1.1.6 (haven't trie=
just jre)

Class not found: PMCommand
=80 this happens whenever I try any pmcommand (eg pmcommand -help)

Same for other commands:

Class not found: PMBackup

The jdk1.1.6 binaries are in my path. Echo $PATH gives:

..... :/usr/local/jdk1.1.6/bin: /usr/....

NE ideas?? Have I done somethin' wrong??


Brendon Rowland (mailto: browland@webtime.com.au)
National IT Manager
Webtime P/L
Ph:  03 9429 5888
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