(PM) PCI Modems - Again!

Jeff Halper (jefflist@ihot.com)
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 11:46:38 -0800 (PST)

Here we go again!

We have PRI lines on PM3's.

Lately we cannot seem to connect at all with PCI modems - particularly the
Rockwell HCF PCI modems shipping with new computers.

Sometimes we can get the computer to connect, but no data will transfer -
or somethimes the throughput crawls at 20,000 ms or so.

Any Portmaster fix out there? We are losing customers to Earthlink, who
apparently uses something other than PM3s, as the PCI modems connect there
just fine.

Jeff Halper
Internet Hotline
408/881-1000 fax 408-293-3456

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