Re: (PM) PM2E & 2ER POP

Jake Messinger (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:29:18 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, F. Michael Taylor wrote:

> Don't know how much of this is relevent, so you get it all. While
> monitoring the 2E:

Hrm, actually you need to turn on debugging for the ethernet port and I
cant remember it. Can anyne from Lucent chime in? Thomas?

> pm2> ping pm3
> pm3 ( is alive
> pm2> telnet pm3
> Trying ...
> Connected - Escape character is '^]'.
> it locked up at this point, so I hit a control C and got a login prompt,
> but it won't echo back characters.
> I try to reset it thru a script and get lots of these.
> n_newbuf: No available netbufs
> f,
> n_newbuf: No available netbufs
> n_newbuf: No available netbufs
> n_n
> I think we are hittin' on something here....

Hrm, this is happenning in the 2eR or the 2e?

This usually means out of ram. THey both have 4 megs?

Jake Messinger, VP. ph:713-772-6690 Lucent Dealer
AMS, Inc. fx:713-774-3498 Medical Billing
8300 Bissonnet #400 , ICQ# 4403734 Internet Services
Houston, Texas 77074 and Hardware

Adjunct Professor University of Houston, CBA

INVENTOR OF the _.,-*~''~*-,._ SQUIGGLES (c) 1978

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