Re: (PM) CT1 Hunt Group Question

John W Baxter (
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 22:29:15 -0800

At 19:16 -0500 2/22/99, Adam Greene wrote:
> I had the the telco set up the 2-T1 hunt group in the PM3 to "forward if
> busy" to the Cisco AS5200, and vice versa (the AS5200 forwards when busy to
> the PM3). The idea behind this plan is to direct customers to the modems to
> which they connect best, but if one access server becomes full, the customer
> will still be able to connect to the Internet rather than get a busy signal.

Sounds like a loop, but perhaps the telco has a way to break out of
it. Suppose all 72 lines are in use, and a call comes in to either
trunk group.

> Tonight I got the opportunity to test the setup. When the PM3 became full,
> I monitored its modems. Strangely enough, I saw ALL 48 modems ACTIVE. I
> had expected that when the 46 channels of the two T1's were full, customers
> would forward to the AS5200. Some customers WERE being forwarded to the
> AS5200, but two customers called to say that they had to try over and over
> again before they could get a connection. I set two modems to OFF on the
> PM3 and tried to dial into it while it was full, and I got the "All circuits
> are busy" recording.

There are 48 lines in two CT1s. You have turned off two modems,
leaving users high and dry when calls 46 and 47 come into that trunk
group. The THIRD caller at nearly the same time may roll into the
other trunk group on the backs of the first two (or the switch may be
fast enough at shuffling those calls off to the tilt buss to make
that highly unlikely).

If you get that recording with 48 calls in the PM3 and all the modems
turned on, then the telco hasn't set up the hunt as you requested.
Possibly they can't: see my mutterings about a loop, above.


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
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