Re: (PM) CT1 Hunt Group Question

Jean-Francois Laplante (
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:52:36 -0500

At 19:16 1999-02-22 -0500, Adam Greene wrote:

>Tonight I got the opportunity to test the setup. When the PM3 became full,
>I monitored its modems. Strangely enough, I saw ALL 48 modems ACTIVE. I
>had expected that when the 46 channels of the two T1's were full, customers
>would forward to the AS5200. Some customers WERE being forwarded to the
>AS5200, but two customers called to say that they had to try over and over
>again before they could get a connection. I set two modems to OFF on the
>PM3 and tried to dial into it while it was full, and I got the "All=
>are busy" recording.
>Well, if you've read this far, thanks for your patience. Here's my
>question: What's going on? How does one enable customers to forward
>smoothly from one hunt group to another when the first hunt group is busy?

I have an all PM3 setup with CT1. Our CT1s have 24 channels each and not
23 like a PRI. I don't know if a 23 channel CT1 exists. When you turned
off two modems, my guess is that there was actualy good 2 channels with no
available modems on the other end wich usualy result in a fast busy signal.
Regardless of that, the telco setup "seems" flawed. Have you tried the
5200 --> PM3 hunting? Is the same thing happening?


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