(PM) CT1 Hunt Group Question

Adam Greene (maillist@webjogger.net)
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:16:04 -0500


I have a question about Channelized T1's and the PM3 that I was hoping
someone might help me with.

I have two NAS's: a 48-modem PM3 with (2) Channelized T1's coming into it,
and a Cisco AS5200 with (1) Channelized T1 coming into it. The two T1's in
the PM3 form a single hunt group with one phone number, and the T1 in the
Cisco AS5200 forms another hunt group with its own phone number.

I had the the telco set up the 2-T1 hunt group in the PM3 to "forward if
busy" to the Cisco AS5200, and vice versa (the AS5200 forwards when busy to
the PM3). The idea behind this plan is to direct customers to the modems to
which they connect best, but if one access server becomes full, the customer
will still be able to connect to the Internet rather than get a busy signal.

Tonight I got the opportunity to test the setup. When the PM3 became full,
I monitored its modems. Strangely enough, I saw ALL 48 modems ACTIVE. I
had expected that when the 46 channels of the two T1's were full, customers
would forward to the AS5200. Some customers WERE being forwarded to the
AS5200, but two customers called to say that they had to try over and over
again before they could get a connection. I set two modems to OFF on the
PM3 and tried to dial into it while it was full, and I got the "All circuits
are busy" recording.

Well, if you've read this far, thanks for your patience. Here's my
question: What's going on? How does one enable customers to forward
smoothly from one hunt group to another when the first hunt group is busy?

Thanks very much for your advice,

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