Re: (PM) Dual analog solutions for PM3s: are there any good

Mikel (
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 22:03:07 +1100

At 02:27 20-02-99 -0700, Joel M Snyder wrote:
>We have a T1 customer who is moving into a new building
>several weeks ahead of their
>T1. They are seeking a temporary solution to maintain connectivity;
>they think they only have analog lines to throw at the problem, no
>Anyone got any suggestions/experience/ideas?

I am from Australia, "the land of way expensive telco links" as a nice USA
visitor once announced at a certain Australian ISP convention last year...

What we have done with GREAT success is linux and freebsd boxen running
mppp into both the PM3's and PM2's with the EQL mode turned on. Works a
treat. We connected once school with four modems and the thing flew along
at 128k "like" performance.

Basically, (from my completely unemperical and non objective testing) you
get .9 * bandwidth * number of modems and the latency is still 100-150ms
but you download at 12k on a four line 33.6k modem connection quite happily.

It is not hard to set up, and it just "works" VERY well.


Mikel Lindsaar,
SubNet Internet Services,
Melbourne, Australia.

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