(PM) Cisco 1000 and ISDN

Mia's Virtual Post Office (list@mia.net)
Fri, 19 Feb 99 12:29:04 -0600

Hello, I have a customer that has a Cisco 1600 and an NT server on their
LAN. They have had the ISDN line for over 2month but cannot seem to get
it to work with their current provider. Apparently they can get
connected and are pingable, but cannot go anywhere..

Anyway, he wants to give us a try. What I need to know is how to config
the Cisco to make some changes? I assume I connect a console to the
router and change the phone number and login/pass, etc.? I know that I
need to change the call type to "voice" or "speech" But I am looking for
some good docs on how to do this, as I have never configured a 1600 for
ISDN calls. Is all the conig and connection made via console port or is
there GUI software on the NT similar to DUN for connecting?


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