(PM) PPP with Portmaster 2e

P.Somlyo (pierre@obs-nice.fr)
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 11:23:22 +0100


I have installed a Portmaster 2e connected to our network, and
I think it's well configured, (telnet, ping etc is OK).
I have connected a modem hayes accura 33.6 on S1 (before connecting
the other modems) for dial-in + PPP protocol.
I first add one user + password, (no CHAP or PAP for the moment),
I gave an IP address for that connection, then I made a test with a
notebook (Windows95 + PPP + modem) which works well when I connect it
to another (older) PPP server, and I get the login+password, OK, then
the IP address of the Portmaster, the "address negotiated" then
the PPP protocol seems to start, and I wait, wait, for at least 2mn
and the connection goes down.
I made a dump with "dring" and I can read "S1: LCP Open", then further
on: "connection failed"
Thank's a lot if someone can give me any help or information, to get out
of this problem!

Best regards
Pierre Somlyo
Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
Service Informatique et Telematique
Nice - France
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