(PM) PMVision

Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:14:20 -0500

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Where can I get the new version 1.3 non-beta of PMVision?

Woody Taylor
Voice: 804-267-8456
Voice: 800-368-3380 ext. 8456
Fax: 804-267-8832

"The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as
men, but we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway." - Bernard Avishai

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Where can I get the new version 1.3 = non-beta of PMVision?

Woody Taylor
Voice: = 804-267-8456
Voice: 800-368-3380 = ext. 8456
Fax:    804-267-8832

"The danger = from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as men, = but we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway." - Bernard = Avishai

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