Re: (PM) Remote Console equipment

Gregory A. Carter (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 08:31:09 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, David A. Allen wrote:

(re) What I am having trouble with is loging the console output without
(re) physically sitting there and running a telnet. I have tried variations of
(re) expect scripts, but that involves a plain text password sitting on our
(re) unix system.

You could always write a perl script to login to the pm3 and sit there
with an open session with the console debug set to the session. Most
likely that would give you the data you would need and you could log it to
a file for use with grep. As far as the plaintext password... who
cares... it's just as easy to sniff a network and get the password as it
is to ls and account that has poorly setup permissions. Second thing is
you use a username and password pair that is setup with only prompt
permissions as to block anyone from using the plaintext logins for
maliscous intent as all they could do is reset ports.. small problem as
compared to if they got the !root password and started reconfiging the pm
or even worse changing the password. As everyone knows, password gets
changed and it's a call to livingston tech support to get it unlocked.
Could that possibly be the dumbest thing you've ever heard, not being able
to reset a password from a dip switch etc? *grin*


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