Re: (PM) Remote Console equipment

David A. Allen (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 10:49:20 -0500 (EST)

> Yes, but what is going to LOG the connections? You need some type of
> ram/buffers/hd to LOG the output of the console to. If you are monitoring
> MANY boxes, and each port on the pm25 is taken, then having a seperate log
> file for each port would be VERY handy.

I am having a similar problem. I need to be able to automagically log
console sessions from any one of 17 pm3's. I currently have a pm2
attached to the console on several of the pm3's (via null modem). This
part works great!

What I am having trouble with is loging the console output without
physically sitting there and running a telnet. I have tried variations of
expect scripts, but that involves a plain text password sitting on our
unix system.

Anyone tried this before/have any suggestions?

David Allen
Network Operations
Great Works Internet

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