(PM) European ComOS

Mark O'Leary (Mark.O'Leary@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 11:15:32 +0000 (GMT)

Someone wrote:

> Dream on, it's only been broken for 3 months.
> Repeat after me: European problems are not important.

To be fair, my own experience belies this.

ComOS 3.8 didnt work for my site - couldn't even raise the PRI. I made some
noise on this list and various other places, and suddenly received every
possible assistance: customised ComOSes, tech engineers getting up at 3am in
order to phone the UK within working hours etc. ComOS 3.8.2 presumably
incorporated the results of this exercise, since it now works perfectly on
my setup (uptime 45 days).

Its still appalling that:

a) a known problem would not be acknowledged, leaving many european users to
download 3.8 and "discover" it for themselves (with the associated
downtime and customer dissatisfaction).

b) One has to become a 'public embarassment' to Livingston in forums like
this to receive the assistance needed to fix the problem.

...but overall, the response when it finally came was effective. *shrug*


  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk
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