Re: (PM) ComOS version

Larry Vaden (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 01:38:44 -0600

At 12:05 AM 2/18/99 +0000, Richard Morrell wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Jay Hennigan wrote:
>> We've been running OSPF for a long time, and have never seen any evidence
>> of PM3s rebooting spontaneously. This is with 19 PM3s in service in four
>> locations, both PRI and C-T1.
>The problem isn't related to OSPF. The pm3 was spontaneously rebooting
>itself before I enabled OSPF. Just out of interest, are there any T1
>users experiencing reboots on ComOS 3.8.2?

Yes. Of our pool of PM3s at headquarters, uptime varies {at this time}
from 1 day to 43 days. All should be the same. All are on 6 hour UPS

We run mixed ISDN + V.90 on all but one pool. Some are GTE. Others are
SWBell. One is CT1, all others are PRI.

Uptime data from our pops would indicate stability of a pool of portmasters
dramatically decreases with pool size. Pools of up to five (5) PM3s do not
seem to exhibit reboot problems per our data.

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