Re: (PM) Outlook Express

Christopher E. Brown (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:12:58 -0900 (AKST)

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Jim Brill wrote:

> I had a user that would get disconnected when downloading a particular Word
> .doc as an attachment using Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger. I
> downloaded this message via Ethernet and forwarded it to him after deleting
> it from his mail box. I also forwarded it to one of his co-workers. Both
> would get cut off whenever they reached the point of downloading this Word
> attachment. I deleted it from both accounts and never had a problem with
> them again. It appeared as though the PM3 would disconnect when it
> encountered something in those packets. Weird! I didn't have time to pursue
> any further.

Not the PM3, the end user modem. Outlook Express is the worst at
this, but many mis-formatted messages (or attachments that contain a
string it does not like) will cause Outlook to hang. Yet other data will
cause eithor the DUN or the modem to barf and hany. :(

As folks might have suspected, not much survives except roaches,
and they don't carry large enough packets fast enough...
--About the Internet and nuclear war.

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