Re: (PM) PM4: BUG ?? Duplicate Radius Accounting records?

Matthew S. Crocker (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:15:04 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Thomas Kinnen wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Matthew S. Crocker wrote:
> > Everyone out there with a PM4 can you verify something for me? We
> > appear to be getting duplicate session_id's from the PM4 with different
> > calls in them. We dump everything to a SQL database and based on the
> > session_id and it is getting corrupt. The 4 PM-3 and 3 PM-2 we have don't
> > have a problem with the data. Only the PM-4.
> You should not be using the Session ID as the unique key. It can
> naturally roll over and also will reset if you erase the flash on the PM.
> You need to use a combination of NAS-IP-Address, Acct-Session-Id,
> and NAS-Port. Also having your RADIUS server use the Class attribute can
> also help. Also remember the each card runs it's own copy of ComOS.

We use the NAS-IP-ADDRESS+ACCT-SESSION-ID currently and we are getting
duplicates only minutes apart so it isn't rolling over. I just recoded
our radius server to use Interbase for a DB and added NAS-Port+username to
the call_key. We only have one 'blade' in the PM-4 so it should be
duplicating session_id.

The problem is 'fixed' on my end now because of the changes I made to
RADIUS but I still thing the PM is dumping duplicate session_id's.

It also locked up 3 times last night but that is another story.


Matthew S. Crocker 
Vice President / Internet Division         Email:
Crocker Communications                     Phone: (413) 587-3350
PO BOX 710                                 Fax:   (413) 587-3352
Greenfield, MA 01302-0710        

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