Re: (PM) Outlook Express

Don Lashier (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 01:23:09 -0800

Maybe the mail had an attachment that contained a modem escape
sequence? A lot of modems don't use the Hayes "guard time" because
of patent issues.


On 2/16/99, at 5:12 PM, wrote:

>I had a user that would get disconnected when downloading a particular=
>.doc as an attachment using Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger. I
>downloaded this message via Ethernet and forwarded it to him after=
>it from his mail box. I also forwarded it to one of his co-workers. Both
>would get cut off whenever they reached the point of downloading this Word
>attachment. I deleted it from both accounts and never had a problem with
>them again. It appeared as though the PM3 would disconnect when it
>encountered something in those packets. Weird! I didn't have time to=
>any further.

Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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