Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3

jason_port (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:19:47 -0600

I must chime in here:

We've used PM-3's for more than a year now, and they are perfect for
us. Work great every time, never even have to look at them or deal with
them. I have loaded two ComOS updates and those also went without a

Oh, and they're super simple to set up. (five minutes, ten commands,
that's about it?)

I think they're great!

Jason Byrns
Connectivity Manager
ispi of Lincoln

Thomas Kinnen wrote:
> "Scott P. Daffron" wrote:
> > I am now looking for opinions on other boxes such as PM3's, Total Control,
> > and the AS5300. I have read all of the lab tests, and am fairly up to
> Well, I'm just a bit biased <G>. Before I came to work here I used the
> PM3 in my ISP and it was pretty much plug it in and forget about it.
> ----
> Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
> "All of the opinions stated above are my own and not my employer's,
> unless they were given to me by my employer"
> -
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