Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 22:35:31 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Bryan Wann shaped the electrons to say...
>large and dense setup because the PM4 was not out yet. AOL used to be
>mainly USR-based, but with the way they have been outsourcing ports to
>other wholesale providers, I am sure they have a good chunk of TNT ports

I'd be surprised if AOL had that many TNT ports actually. They still
basically use 3 prime providers (they've never done their own network, they
went to vendors like BBN to build it for them) - who use 3Com and non-TNT
Ascend gear. At least for now.

>now. Looking at Lucington PM case studies, all of those tend to be
>largish metro/regional ISPs. Megapop is the only company that I know of
>that has rolled out more than a handful of PM3s across the nation.

I've given to understand that a few large ISPs and RBOCs are pursuing the
PM-4. Not surprising, I'd expect Lucent to go after their existing switch
customers who are getting into data. I know a large east coast conglomarate
recently started trials on the PM-4 as a potential TNT replacement, not
happy with the way the TNT has gone.


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