Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3

Tim Tsai (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:27:46 -0600

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 10:59:43AM -0600, Brian Elfert wrote:
> > Lucent, do you know how frustrating it is to be a staunch PM3 support
> > for two years and yet the modem situation still isn't resolved?
> I'm still running 3.7.2c3 on my PM3s, and I can't recall the last time I
> had a customer modem issue with my PM3s.
> I am running Total Controls too, so I'm not in a big hurry to upgrade my
> PM3s to V.90 right now.

Brian, I am sorry, but this is a completely worthless piece of
information. You've only validated my point with your fairly obscure
configuration (ok, I know at least 3 people that's going to say they run
PM3's and TC's side-by-side - good for you!). I am pretty sure that most
of us on this list are running the 3.8 branch and *DO* care about V.90
support on the PM3. If you are willing to upgrade your PM3's to 3.8.2
and then tell me that you get about the same # of modem problems on the
TC (HiperDSP or not) and on the PM3, then that's useful information.

Note that I am not even saying "Lucent, fix this NOW!". It's more like
"Lucent, just exactly what are you doing about this? Where are your
priorities with respect to the PM3 and modem code? Is the same team
working on the LT PCI winmodem code working on the PM3 modem code (Ed?)?"

I know I am not the only one who feels that we've been shouting at a
wall for sometime now.

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