Re: (PM) PM4: BUG ?? Duplicate Radius Accounting records?

Thomas Kinnen (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 08:14:20 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Matthew S. Crocker wrote:

> Everyone out there with a PM4 can you verify something for me? We
> appear to be getting duplicate session_id's from the PM4 with different
> calls in them. We dump everything to a SQL database and based on the
> session_id and it is getting corrupt. The 4 PM-3 and 3 PM-2 we have don't
> have a problem with the data. Only the PM-4.

You should not be using the Session ID as the unique key. It can
naturally roll over and also will reset if you erase the flash on the PM.
You need to use a combination of NAS-IP-Address, Acct-Session-Id,
and NAS-Port. Also having your RADIUS server use the Class attribute can
also help. Also remember the each card runs it's own copy of ComOS.

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
"All of the opinions stated above are my own and not my employer's,
unless they were given to me by my employer"

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