Re: (PM) HP Rockwell Riptide HCF / Sound Card -- Need +MS?

Eric (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:47:25 -0500

We have had some success with AT&F S37=0 S38=19 Which takes it out of V.90
and puts the speed at 33.6. Maybe this will help you.
At 07:32 AM 2/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>If the HCF modems were not enough trouble HP has started throwing Rockwell
>Riptide HCF modem / sound cards in new machines.
>I need to slow the modem down a little to get it to connect reliably but am
>unable to find a documented command set (thanks HP and Rockwell!).
>HyperTerminal blows up when trying to talk directly to the port. Does
>anyone have the +MS? response from that modem or know where the
>documentation can be found?
>Mark Radabaugh Amplex (419)833-3635
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