Re: (PM) Motorola 56k

Craig Baird (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:30:22 -0700

Yup! We've currently got a customer who just bought a Motorola SM56
(Motorola's HSP winmodem piece of crap) based modem, and can't connect
to our PM3 running 3.8.

This kind of thing drives me nuts!!! We've sent out numerous e-mail
messages to our customers on what modems NOT to buy, and also have a
modem FAQ for our customers, but do they listen???? Nooooo!!!

*Sigh* Anyway, he connects fine to our analog modem pool. The last I
heard, he was going to try downloading the latest driver. His modem
manufacturer (sorry, can't remember it now) didn't have a more recent
driver than what he already had. Doing an ATI3 reported:

Release 3.00 P3 Build 54

Going to Motorola's website at:

shows that the latest driver is build is Build 60. It also says it
should be compatible with all ISA versions of the SM56 and it's
available there for download (maybe this is the generic firmware
Sherwood was referring to in a previous post).

Anyway, I haven't heard yet whether this worked or not. I'll post more
info when I get it!

Also, from the page referenced above, you can get to a FAQ where one of
the questions deals with trouble connecting to an ISP. Their suggestion
is to limit the connect speed, and an init is given for doing so. You
might want to try that.

Xpressweb Internet Services

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:17:51 -0500
> From: Joe Kupiszewski <>
> To:
> Subject: (PM) Motorola 56k
> Has anyone had a Motorola 56k not be able to connect at all. We have PM3s
> running 3.8.2 and customer swears it won't connect at all (works fine on
> Ascend). I briefly searched the archive - but most info there revolved
> around not getting a 56k connection and as opposed to reinventing the wheel
> I was going to pose a question to the group, as people here seem to have
> been there and done that for most all circumstances.
> Joe...
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