(PM) Re: PPPSmartAgent 1.0b5 available for open-beta

Ian Smith (Smith@ian.org)
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:14:27 -0500 (EST)

Great improvement over PPP Decoder!

Since this is still work in progress, perhaps there is time to add some
minor features?

1) Config Files. Let me set up a text file with Portmasters and passwords
so I can connect to a dozen or more Portmasters with one click, instead
of selecting a Portmaster, typing a username, typing a password,
clicking connect, waiting, repeating...

2) I couldn't get the unix version to run to test it.. but is it possible
to have it run in a non-gui mode and log to text files? That way I
could have a cgi to let tech support look at the logs instead of
having to install PPPSA and java on 15 workstations and not worry
about too many people clogging up the sessions on the PMs.


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