(PM) Lucent Venus PCMCIA info?

Kimmo Jaskari (kimmo@alcom.aland.fi)
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:32:18 +0200 (EET)

Just had a customer in with a laptop with a "Lucent Venus" modem in it
and it refused to connect to our PM-3's at all; added three commas
and it seems to connect semi-reliably in the mid-forties with a v.90

Anyone have any driver updates or something like that for these beasts
since the comma-fix is a kludgy one at best?



---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ Kimmo Jaskari | =C5LCOM - =C5lands Datakommunikation Ab = | E-mail: kimmo@alcom.aland.fi | http://www.alcom.aland.fi | http://www.alcom.aland.fi/kimmo | Phone: +358-(0)18-12122 | ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+

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