Re: (PM) OSPF and Memory

Tom Limoncelli (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:54:50 -0500

Keith Stolle wrote:
> I would like to know if there is a recommendation on how much memory
> should be in the portmaster before running OSPF. Is the 4 mb it comes
> with enough? Also is there some type of recommendation as to the number

That question can only be answered if you tell us how many routes you
have. We had to add memory because 4M wasn't enough. 5300796 bytes are
in use on our PM3 with OSPF and 3200 routes. (Yes, we aggregate and we
still have 3200 routes internally). That means the 4M just bearly
didn't cut it. We upgraded to 16M because we didn't know how much we
would need. Now all future memory upgrades can be "right sized" and
bring the memory up to 8M and save a little money.

If you run out of memory the PM3 crashes. You reboot, and 5 minutes
later when the OSPF data has filled memory again it crashes again. We
couldn't type enough to disable OSPF before the next crash so we ended
up turning off OSPF on the neighboring router for long enough to
reconfigure the PM3. It wasn't pretty.

> of portmasters to run off of one ethernet hub. Should they be connected
> using BNC? I am just looking for a way to get the best performance from
> the network. Thanks.

Get an etherswitch. For a situation like this where you don't need many
features such as VLANs, etc. so you can get a barebones (i.e. cheap)
switch with a single 100M port and the remaining 10M ports. The 100M
port goes to your router. I also recommend that you buy two of these so
that you have a spare in case the first one breaks (which is common on
the really cheap switches).

Someone on this mailing list speculated that some day PM3s may ship with
100M ports (the price of a 10/100 ethernet chip is now nearly the same
as the 10M chip). In that case, you might want to spend a little more
money and get an etherswitch where all ports are 10/100 autosensing.
(if you plan on buying more PM3s, etc. etc.)


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