(PM) Portmaster 3 / ISDN problem and errors...

Bo Bendtsen (bo@uk2net.com)
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 08:21:16 -0000

I am one of those that cannot upgrade to 3.8 or 3.8.2.
I am told that I am one of those that are waiting for a
fix that cures a synch problem with the ISDN code.

I am currently running 3.7.2c3

My problem occurs lets say every 2 months, where
suddenly the PRI drops. The line does not come up
again and I have to turn it of for a few minutes while
C&W runs a diagnostics or take the line out of service
for 1-2 minutes, then suddenly it comes back.

show line0 gives me an all clear even though noone
can dial in.

When I installed 3.8 the first time, sometimes it
actually went up (I thought), but when users tried
to connect the sound was completely wrong and
noone could connect. However ISDN2 calls could
get through.

I don't even bother to report the error as a fault, I
go straight to one engineer (Don :-) ) at C&W and
tell him the following:

"Switchport to be reset, DOCKS STREET SWITCH 1
Port switch number: xxx x/x/x, reboot, run diagnostics"

Whereafter we can get the line back in 10 minutes,
but we never have been able to establish the reason
for this drop out.

When are we getting this fix we heard about since
december that cures the synch ?

Could anyone please send me some comments
on this subject, which I wish would go away.

Bo Bendtsen

UK2NET Ltd, 100 Prestons Road, London E14 9SB
http://www.uk2net.com bo@uk2net.com
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