Re: (PM) Error 650?

Bryan Wann (
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 22:02:59 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Michael J. Davis wrote:

> I have some customers that have recently reported not getting connected to
> the PM3 I have and getting an message labeled as Error 650 and saying that
> they did not get an answer. Since the PM3 answered and the modems were
> attempting to handshake, I find the response a little strange.
> Their config looks ok to me and the PM3 is fine as far as the ability to
> connect folks. I looked in the MS Knowledge Base and could not hardly come
> up with anything. Any ideas as to what Error 650 really means?
> Also, the majority of folks seem to have a Supra 56K modem...we have
> directed them to get the latest drivers and this does not seem to fix the
> problems.

IIRC, 650 is when Windows does not 'see' a response from the remote (PM3)
after carrier detect, be it beginning of PAP, etc. typical fix for us is
to twiddle with port speeds, and try <insert commas, turn on/off
v90/k56flex/v34, workaround here>. If that does not work, turning on
post-dial terminal window will give better idea as to what is happening,
if the caller is getting garbage on the line upon connection, or whatever.

Microsoft KB Article Q163111 lists all of the RAS error codes, and
sometimes I ponder if they actually come up... e.g. 677 a person
answered instead of a modem,

Bryan Wann	
CWIS Internet Services 918-967-2858

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime; Enlighten him further, and he opens a chain of seafood restaurants

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