(PM) Extra accounting log data (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 14:35:30 -0800 (PST)

This should probably move to portmaster-radius.

Once upon a time Scott Nader shaped the electrons to say...
>I'm getting peculiar behavior in the accounting logs for these 2 new boxes,
>start and stop entries are appearing 4 times each, about every 45 seconds.
>The logs grow by about 4 megs per day with these extra entries.

Look at the Acct-Delay-Time values - something is wrong, the PM is not
getting the ACK from the server and keeps retransmitting.

>Other than this, no problems, they accept calls just fine. All five pm3's
>are connected to the same radius server running 1.16.

1.16 is very out of date, and no longer RFC compliant. On top of that it
was found to have a security hole some time back. You really should
upgrade to at least 2.0.1, personally I'd run 2.1b6.

Run 'radiusd -x' to see what is being received and how RADIUS is responding.


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