Re: (PM) Locking up telnet connections

Thomas Kinnen (
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 21:22:11 -0800 wrote:

> 1) Once four(?) of these "locked up" connections are made, it is no
> longer possible for an admin to log into the box over the network.
> A direct physical connection must be made, or the unit must be
> power-cycled. So it is not possible for an admin to just telnet
> in and do a "reset n###" on the connection.

Not correct. You have a few options:

1) Use PMVision to reset the telnet handles (does not use telnet)
2) User PMCommand's interactive Modem to reset the Handle (does not use
3) Dial into the PM with a modem and reset the telnet handle
4) Have a reverse terminal server hooked up to C0
5) Have a modem on C0

> 3) Other?

Use filters
Change the telnet port

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
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