(PM) Locking up telnet connections (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:41:02 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time michael@blueneptune.com shaped the electrons to say...
>1) Once four(?) of these "locked up" connections are made, it is no
>longer possible for an admin to log into the box over the network.

Not quite true:
1. You can use PMVision, which does not use the telnet port, to connect
remotely to the PM. Then you can use the command window in PMVision to
issue commands just as in a telnet session.
2. You can use PMcommand to send command scripts in much the same way.
3. You can dial into the PM and login as an admin - unless you have
'set serial-admin off'.

Not being able to telnet in does not mean all remote admin avenues are

>2) No special privileges are required to get to the unit to do this,
>other than a clear network route to the unit. Obviously, an appropriate

It is a basic denial of service attack really.


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