Re: PRI, T1, E1 daffynitions (was Re: (PM) No answers!)

Alain Fontaine (
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 14:14:51 +0100

=C0 (At) 11:16 +0100 5/02/99, Richard Morrell =E9crivait (wrote) :
>So does this mean that my E1 circuit for my X.21 circuit is only capable
>of transmitting 1984kbps worth of data?

It depends... When an E1 circuit is used as a point to point link, the
carrier can either run it 'framed', with one time slot occupied by
service information, of 'unframed', with all time slots available for
user data.

In the first case, the data interface has a clock rate of 1984 kbps,
while in the second case, you get 2048 kbps. On the other hand, running
in 'framed' mode allows the carrier to make some tests on your line
without disturbing your data traffic.


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