(PM) Working with a new 5ESS installation.

Dennis D. Baker, Jr (dbaker@deltech.net)
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 00:12:23 -0600

This has got to be one for the books..

I am in the middle of co-locating with a new CLEC. These guys
are dumping millions into their network.. No big deal..
I just installed a babby new PM3 at their site. My goal
was to backhaul service to the new PM3 from my existing PM3
located at my facility.(Just in case you ask, NO!, This is temporary.
When I see that these guys know what they are doing I will co-lo the
rest of my service.)

I want to run the new PM3 over a couple
outgoing channels of one of the PRIs... This should work.. I have
read about other ISPs doing this..

The problem is that these guys can't figure out how to setup their
own switch to let me dial out-bound on a PRI.. How hard could it be?

They have a newly installed Lucent 5ess and supposedly had Lucent
on the phone part of today trying to figure this thing out.

My question is.. Has anyone had any exp. with the 5ess? or with
a CLEC who isn't so GREEN. I was supposed to have this thing on
last week... Maybe I can't get these guys to consult the job out
so that they can get me on and learn in the process. :)

For right now, I'm going to see if I can get it at least partialy online
by multiplexing the service to the new PM3 from my existing PM2e...

What fun.. Has anyone done this before?

Thanks in advance for letting a frustrated ISP vent. :)
Dennis Baker, Jr.
DelTech Industries, Ltd.

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