Re: (PM) Session time out warning (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 16:11:43 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Kris Rallapalli shaped the electrons to say...
>warning. My thought was if Radius is keeping track of the session time of an

RADIUS is NOT. RADIUS doesn't track session time. It sends a timer to the
NAS, the NAS runs the timer.

>authenticated user, it should be possible to make a window to pop-out (or a
>banner) alerting the impending session termination. Lot of "free" internet
>services use banners to show their ads.

Yeah - with custom software. How do you propose sending a message to a
normal PPP user? You can't, that's how. This has been discussed, a few
times, already - please see the archives before continuing this. Nothing
has changed since the last time.


-=*X GOT CLUE? ISPF II - SAN DIEGO, CA 3/6-10 <URL:> X*=-
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