RE: (PM) Re: PM2 production

Floyd Pierce (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 14:42:42 -0700

Obviously I wasn't clear in my rant.

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 wrote:
-| You mean the platform that I have almost 30 cities running on- (just
added a
-| new city)
-| The one we were considering buying BRI cards for- (USW finally is
-| ISDN in New Mexico albeit at a high rates)
-| Which was my purpose for joining this list- (Wanted to see others

>Do you plan to support ISDN off the PM2's? If so, there are alot of
>features that it cannot handle that most users will want. (the pm3
>however, can)

Which I'd hoped to find out about from this list.

>If you dont plan to support ISDN off the PM2, then it is still cheaper
>(even at business rates on POTS lines) to feed your modems with POTS
>instead of BRI's (in nm that is)

With the BRI card you can simulate a PRI if the BRI card is smart enough.
Don't need any isdn modems. Locations where need is greater than 10
channels worth of ISDN I can put in a PRI and a PM3 or other access server.

-| They were discontinuing the line... Well I'm glad I finally joined the
-| For little towns like Hobbs, New Mexico I only have need for less than
-| a T1 of modem lines. Definitely not cost effective for a PM3 with
-| service in New Mexico. The same With BRI service compared to PRI
-| I can put BRI #'s on a rotor until I have enough usage to justify a PRI.

>Sure, you can do this with POTS still too. I'm wondering (since your in
>new mexico) what all this hoopla about feeding BRI's into the PM2 is
>about. You have to remember that the PM2 cant take ANY type of telco input
>by itself. It's up to you what you hook up to it (isdn modems, v.34, 1200
>baud, whatever) and how you feed those devices.

I've got a 5BRI card in for testing right now, I've got two BRI's plugged
into it, still do not need any isdn modems. I can dial another BRI into it
without any problems.

-| They had a great upgrade path, without cutting out the low end market.'
-| Sorry for my ranting

>I know what you mean about not wanting to purchase PM3s to support a
>handful of customers. We still run some PM2E-30's and some PM2-25's with
>_great_ success. We also have gone with the pm3 in order to accmodate the
>digital market (at a much higher cost) -- but i fail to see what you are
>ranting about? Lucent does not limit you feeding BRI's into the PM2
>anymore now then they ever have in the past???

I'm not looking to get rid of the PM2's, they aren't limiting me, I want to
make sure there is support and ongoing development for a potentially money
saving piece of equipment for low usage dial-up locations. Namely a small
simulated PRI in a city with relatively low dial-up usage, but with people
who still want to use ISDN. This BRI card product is just the thing for
this application, if it is supported.

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