Re: (PM) Log-in to different hosts

Floyd Pierce (
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:29:27 -0600

> Hi,
> We are trying to use a PM2 to take care of some remote users. However, we
> need them to dial in to the PM2 and then to be sent to different hosts,
> depending on who they are.
> Is there a way to let the PM2 ask for the log-in name and password, and then
> send it on to the host they need to connect to so that they don't have to
> log in twice?

set s? service_login rlogin
set s? host
It will pass the login input to the remote host and the remote host
will ask for the password.....

Floyd Pierce                   |Manager I/T Marketing & Development
                               |Box USA
Phone  914-749-3289            |
Fax    817-315-1414            |

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