(PM) USR Winmodem

Adam Snodgrass (support@atomic.net)
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 18:18:58 -0500


I've got a customer with a USR Winmodem who is having great difficulty
making connections to my NASen. I have two PM3's with ComOS v3.8, fed by
PRI and cT1 (respectively). When the customer tries to make a connection,
it takes longer than 60 seconds to negotiate, resulting in a disconnection
by one or the other end. I have had the customer add S32=34 to Extra
Settings to disable any attempt at X2 negotiation; this worked once (the
first try!) and never again. I then had the customer add several commas to
the end of the telephone number, so it would pause and miss the Flex tone;
no luck at all. The customer has ensured he has the latest drivers, and
according to 3com's update wizard he has the newest firmware. If I have him
change the Extra Settings to S32=66 (V34 only), he's okay. In his last
call, he said 3com told him to tell me to disable K56Flex on my PM's, that
my side was trying to negotiate Flex to him. I am inclined to disbelieve
this, naturally, especially after he added the commas (up to 6(!) of them,
one more each try) to the phone number, which should pause his modem long
enough to not hear the Flex tone. Any thoughts or suggestions? I hate to
tell him "buy a new modem", since it doesn't really address the situation.
I also figure 3com will continue to drop the ball with any support for the
poor fellow, as their support department is rather (read: sorely) lacking.
I just might go so far as to disable Flex in one of my PM's as an
experiment, but I'd hate for any of my other customers that need Flex to hit
that bank. Comments/suggestions/flames welcome. :)

Kind Regards,

Adam Snodgrass
Atomic Networks, Inc.

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