(PM) Routing Assistance Needed

Norris Sydnor (nsydnor@capcity.com)
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 22:46:02 -0500

I have a Class C block being routed to us from our uplink provider. We
subnet this block for dial-up customers that we provide static IP blocks to.

Once the Class C is routed to my router I route it to my first portmaster.
Then, on that portmaster, I create staitc routes for the subnetted blocks
to the customers when they dial-in onto that PM3.

The question is, how do I route them their IP addresses if they dial into
another one of our PM3s. All of them are on a roll'over hunt that looks
for available line. So, I have not control over which box the client logs

For example, is routed to Box A. However, customer logs in to
Box C and requests mask This causes problem
because his traffic is being routed to PM3 box A

What's the way to handle this?

Best Regards,

Norris Sydnor
Capital City Internet
Washington D.C. and Baltimore's Internet Success Provider
1-888-249-0027 (24/7)
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