RE: (PM) Radius Log Parser?

jon-lists (
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 16:35:41 -0500

I actually modified that to give me the IP and caller-ID string as well..
needed that one time for proof of login location for a legal issue.. heh...
i also have a pmmon.log parser that I stole some code from Dave's parser so
I could get the reset reasons for particular users. If anyone is interested
i'll send them..

only thing I didn't do was test what would happen if there was no caller-ID
entry for that particular record in the detail file.. only needed it once
and that user didn't have caller-ID block, which was nice.. :)

At 12:51 PM 2/1/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Here's a perl script I downloaded from somewhere and modified so that it
>will display when the user logged in, how long the user was on and what IP
>Address they had been assigned for that session:
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